
Vote for your favorite!

Apparently you can vote for your favorite stories and poems over on The Fifth Di…. I wouldn’t be sad if your favorite was me Me mE MEmemEMeMEME meeeeeeeeeeeeee! Just don’t stuff the ballot box or...

Die, OpenID, die.

Apparently, OpenID mysteriously quit working with LJ. I’ll assume that’s why I haven’t received any comments since September. Comments are moderated because of spammers. Specifically, it’s because there is a special circle in hell for people...

Possibly eccentric decision.

At least, it made Brian give me a weird look. 😉 I’m considering doing all my composing in plain text rather than Open Office or AbiWord. Why? More portable–easier to sneak in work on other machines (*coughcough*the office*cough*). I won’t need to...

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