
Bad subconscious, no biscuit.

I’ve been procrastinating about writing. I thought it was because I was stressed about car repairs and the like, but no. I think I just didn’t want to write Chapter Four. Well, I went ahead and started it, and it wasn’t so bad while I was writing it,...

Note to self.

Dear Self, Whenever you feel uncertain of what happens next in your novel, why not readest thou of the holy outline? In fact, maybe you should randomly reread the outline for kicks, from time to time. I’m just saying. Love, Me P.S. 10,113 words, go...

Five hundred words.

I started the new, improved chapter one of lizardfic today. I have a daily word count goal of five hundred words. That’s doable. There was a moment of, “Oh, no! Start? Do I dare to eat a peach? I shall wear white flannel trousers and walk upon the beach. I...

Not bad.

Amount of actual words on paper I’m getting down: Almost none. Amount of figuring out what this story needs to work: Ginormous. That’s not what I sat down to do tonight, but I’ll take it. I’ll definitely take...

Holy hand grenades, Batman!

I generally think of myself as bad at plot. Maybe I think this because I sometimes end up writing a first draft in which I follow a character around a setting and nothing happens to him or her. (This is generally what’s wrong with the hurricane story, by the...

Outlining is HARD.

Outlining is hard. Let’s do hard-core coding instead! Seriously. I’d ask y’all to tell me that it was only this bad because I’m a complete pantser and usually pull shorter stories out of my ass out of my subconscious like Athena leaping from...

One hundred words.

Hey, it could be worse. I had the summer of overtime. I’m even feeling like I might be able to take the hurricane story out behind the woodshed and beat it into shape soon. Maybe I’ll even be able to tackle Lizardfic. I won’t be doing NaNoWriMo,...

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